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Jung&Naiv on peatlands&climate

Live on YouTube on May 6th

5/5/2022 Naive questions about peatlands and climate  Tilo Jung of Jung & Naiv will ask Dr. Franziska Tanneberger of the Greifswald Mire Centre tomorrow live on YouTube. Tune in starting at 5 p.m..  Jung&Naiv is already collecting input and questions on twitter @TiloJung and @JungNaiv.

Photovoltaics on peatland

Yes, and only if... says new info paper

8/4/2022 Photovoltaic systems are already being built on peatlands – but on drained peatlands that are strong sources of CO₂. There are hardly any legal requirements for this so far. Photovoltaic plants on rewetted peatlands could provide a "collateral benefit," said Bernhard Krüsken, secretary general of the German Farmers' Association, at the conference "Peatland Protection is Climate Protection" in Berlin on 28th March 2022. The Greifswald Mire Centre had already worked on this preliminarily in a new information paper. The combination of photovoltaic systems and peatland rewetting would be able to replace fossil fuels and reduce CO₂ emissions at the same time. However, there is still a great need for testing and development. Therefore, the GMC recommends an area limitation for the time being and has compiled hints for a sustainable implementation.

What must happen now on peatlands! 

Conference "Peatland Protection is Climate Protection"

29/3/2022 Wet peatlands are natural climate protection! That’s what scientists of the Greifswald Mire Centre together with practitioners and partners clearly stated at yesterday's conference "Peatland Protection is Climate Protection" in front of 200 participants in Berlin and just as many viewers in the livestream. Up to seven percent of Germany's greenhouse gas emissions can be saved by rewetting drained peatlands. It therefore represents one of the most effective measures for the "Natural Climate Protection" action programme announced today by Steffi Lemke, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.  

"More crises must not be allowed to accumulate. Wet peatlands are natural climate protection and therefore rewetting is one of the most effective measures for it in Germany. That is why they play an important role in the new action programme budgeted at 4 billion Euros," said Federal Minister Lemke at the conference.   

The expertise exists. Scientists of the Greifswald Mire Centre and partners have researched the climate impact of wetlands and tested paludiculture together with farmers. Innovative entrepreneurs have developed regional and ecological products from it. Individual German states have issued carbon certificates from rewetting. Now it is a matter of implementing climate protection through peatland conservation large scale, as the conference showed. Representatives from nature conservation, agriculture and companies agree that political, administrative and financial framework conditions still need to be created.  

Prof. Dr. Kai Niebert, President of the German Nature Conservation Circle, described the rewetting of peatlands as a task for society as a whole, similar in dimension to the coal phase-out. In terms of climate protection, the clock showed five to twelve, while in terms of biodiversity it has already run out, he stated. If we still wanted to ensure food security, we now had to think differently and had no choice when it comes to peatland protection, Niebert said. This now be driven forward decisively and jointly.  

Bernhard Krüsken, Secretary General of the German Farmers' Association, considered the rewetting of peatlands to be a generational project, just as drainage had been. He thought it  important to involve everyone, to communicate honestly about the scope of the measures and to promote them in the long term. Land users must be offered alternatives and Paludi-PV, i.e. photovoltaics on rewetted moorland, could be a 'collateral benefit', Krüsken said. 

Save the Date: "Peatland Protection is Climate Protection" 28 March 2022 / Berlin

For the 2030 climate goals: What must happen on peatlands now   

29/3/2022 The Greifswald Mire Centre (GMC) and the German Association for Landscape Conservation (DVL) cordially invite you to the conference “Peatland Protection is Climate Protection on 28 March 2022 in Berlin.

By 2030, annual greenhouse gas emissions from peatland soils are to be reduced by five million tonnes of CO₂  equivalents. But how can this be achieved?

Rewetting has been proven to be a key measure to reduce the high GHG emissions from peatlands. Wet use  appropriate to the site(paludiculture) offers a way to continue management. This will be discussed by scientists, practitioners and politicians, including Steffi Lemke, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture (BMEL, requested).

The joint project "MoKli - Realising peatland and climate protection with land users" by GMC and DVL would like to present a variety of approaches to solutions at the conference using practical examples. The programme also includes discussions on how these can be applied on a large scale, accelerated and practice-oriented in the coming years as part of climate protection strategies at different levels.

The conference is aimed at parliamentarians, representatives of ministries and authorities at federal, state and local level, representatives of associations from agriculture and water management, climate protection and nature conservation as well as other decision-makers. The event is free of charge, registration is possible online at

Accelerated Peatland Protection in Lower Saxony

The GMC supports the motion of B90/The Greens

The GMC supports the motion of B90/Greens Yesterday, the Greifswald Mire Centre and other experts were invited to a hearing in the Environment Committee of the Lower Saxony Parliament to comment on the motion of the Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen parliamentary group "Peatland protection = species protection + climate protection" (Drs. 18/10170). Since Lower Saxony owns about 670,000 hectares of organic soils and is thus the German federal state richest in peatlands. The peatlands are predominantly used agriculturally, especially as grassland, and drained for this purpose. These areas thus cause high greenhouse gas emissions, which makes Lower Saxony frontrunner in terms of greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils among the federal states. Only rewetting can stopp these emissions. In the past 40 years, an average of 950 hectares of peatland per year have been rewetted, and the GMC calculates that 20,000 hectares per year need to be rewetted in order to achieve the Paris climate protection targets. In the GMC’s statement supports the motion of Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen in many points and explains further ones in order to substantially accelerate the peatland protection in Lower Saxony

Also via livestream 

Conference "Peatland Protection is Climate Protection" 28 March 2022

15/3/2022 Due to the high number of registrations, the Greifswald Mire Centre now also offers a livestream of the conference "Peatland Protection is Climate Protection” on 28 March 2022 in Berlin starting at 10 a.m.. How can annual greenhouse gas emissions from peatland soils be reduced by five million tonnes of CO2 equivalents by 2030? Scientists, farmers, practitioners and politicians, including Steffi Lemke, the German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, will discuss this at the conference. The conference is aimed at parliamentarians, representatives of ministries and authorities from federal, state and local governments, representatives of associations from agriculture and water management, climate protection and nature conservation, as well as further decision-makers.

3 kg, 544 pages - Germany's peatlands

Book launch 28th March in Berlin

3/3/2022 At 3 kg, the recently published book “Moore in Deutschland” is not only a heavyweight on the scale, but also in terms of content. It presents Germany's 115 most important peatlands on 544 pages and with 908 photographs. On Monday 28th March, the authors Prof. em. Dr. Michael Succow and Dr. Lebrecht Jeschke will present the book at 7 p.m. at the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania State Representation in Berlin. During the moderated discussion, co-authors Dr. Franziska Tanneberger and Dr. Greta Gaudig will also discuss the importance of peatlands for climate protection on the panel. During the day the conference “Peatland Protection is Climate Protection” is entirely dedicated to the same topic from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the State Representation of Lower Saxony in Berlin, which will also be offered via livestream.

250 boxes of sphagnum mosses for Venice

Pavilion on peat moss at the Biennale

3/3/2022 A pavilion with a peat moss installation is to be erected at this year's Venice Biennale. With the project named TURBA TOL - HOL HOL TOL the artist collective ENSAYOS and scientists from the Greifswald Mire Centre want to draw attention to the importance of peatlands for mankind. They are getting 250 boxes with the delicate plants underway. They will harvest the peat mosses by hand from 2nd-4th March on a cultivation and research area in the Hankhauser Moor in Lower Saxony. These will fill Chile's Biennale pavilion. There, especially in Patagonia, huge areas of previously intact raised bogs need to be protected from mining and infrastructure projects. Peat moss experts of Greifswald University and the peat plant Moorkultur Rahmsloh can provide these plants, which are strongly threatened and protected in natural habitats. Since 2004, both institutions have been conducting joint research on peat mosses. They installed an experimental area for the cultivation of peat mosses near Rastede in Lower Saxony, which today covers 17 ha. On Thursday and Friday 3rd-4th March, the scientists plan to harvest 250 boxes of peat mosses there together with the New York artist Christy Gast. A small art act to follow: The sphagnum mosses must arrive in Venice undamaged by 15th March! The Biennale itself begins on 23rd April and runs until 27th November this year. Half a million visitors are expected there. During this time, the mosses will live and grow as if in an artificial bog. A specially installed system will monitor and display the growth parameters of the peat moss carpet. It informs visitors on the carbon accumulated and the water needed. In order to acquire the necessary knowledge on peatland and climate issues for the installation of the pavilion, artist Gast is currently spending a residency in Greifswald. The city surrounded by peatland offers scientific expertise of the Greifswald Moor Centrum and, as the birthplace of Caspar David Friedrich, also a proud artistic heritage. The residency is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Municipal Office for Education, Culture and Sport of the University and Hanseatic City of Greifswald.

To be improved significantly

Better protection of natural carbon stocks in the EU

20/2/2022 Twenty environmental organisations under the umbrella of the German Nature Conservation Ring (DNR), including the Succow Foundation, partner in the Greifswald Mire Centre, demand a better protection of natural carbon reservoirs and sinks - including peatlands - and to develop them in harmony with species and nature conservation. The critique is addressed to the Parliament and Council of the European Union. So far, the draft of the new Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation must be tightened up. Otherwise, the goal of climate neutrality at EU level by 2050 and at national level by 2045 at the latest cannot be achieved, the organisations stress.

They propose, among other things, to at least double the estimated target of storing 310 million tonnes of climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions by natural sinks.

Since sinks must sequester more carbon than sources release by 2035, reducing emissions from land use must also be an equivalent target, for example stopping peatland drainage and amplifying rewetting. The LULUCF Regulation must include the reporting of requirements for categories for forests, arable land, grassland and wetlands so that measures can be assessed and adjusted.

The EU Commission had presented its proposals for the amended LULUCF Regulation in mid-July this year as part of the "Fit for 55" climate package. This is intended to adapt the existing legislation to the new climate targets for 2030 and 2050. Now the EU Parliament and Council have to find and negotiate their positions in order to then bring about a legally binding decision. The Succow Foundation as a partner in the Greifswald Mire Centre, together with many other organisations, will continue to campaign for ambitious and comprehensive targets.

New publication

Book "Deutschlands Moore"

24/1/2022 The book "Deutschlands Moore - Ihr Schicksal in unserer Kulturlandschaft" by Prof. em. Dr. Michael Succow, founder of the Succow Foundation, and Dr. Lebrecht Jeschke, published by Natur&Text, has just been printed. On 544 pages, it depicts the diversity of the country's mire landscapes - 115 locations from the salt marshes on the coast, the rain marshes of north-west Germany and the river valley marshes in the southern Baltic Sea region to the mires of the low mountain ranges, the Alpine foothills and the Alpine fringe. The book presents near-natural as well as degraded peatlands in all parts of Germany. In addition to the 908 photos, numerous tables, graphics, information boxes and maps make the complicated relationships understandable. Dr Greta Gaudig and Dr Franziska Tanneberger, director of the Greifswald Mire Centre, provide an outlook on the future of peatlands, their rewetting and sustainable use.