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Resolution on „Peatlands and climate change“

RAMSAR reacts on call of the Nordic Council

12/6/2015   The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands adopted several resolutions including the resolution on 'Peatlands and climate change’ at its 12th Meeting of the Conference of Contracting Parties (COP12). The resolution is part of the new Strategic Plan combating factors that drive wetland loss and degradation from 2016 to 2024. Key decisions for its implementation include the key role of peatlands in climate change regulation. The COP 12 at Punta del Este/Uruguay thus reacted on a call of the Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment to preserve peatlands for climate change regulation, conservation of biodiversity and providing ecosystem services. The statement is based on a recent report ‘Peatlands and Climate in a Ramsar context - A Nordic-Baltic Perspective’ which was prepared for the Nordic Council by experts of Greifswald University (Germany), partner in the GMC, and Risager Consult (Denmark).


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