Summer … time for travels
Visiting: MEPs, MdBs, MdLs, Profs, CEOs...
1/9/2022 Summer time is... travel time... that was clearly to be noticed at the Greifswald Mire Centre. Numerous visitors almost turned the door handle one after another in July and August. Interest in peatlands is growing in politics, business and climate research, and we are happy to support it.
The youngest MEP Delara Burkhard (Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, S&D) and her colleague MEP Jutta Paulus (Die Grünen/EFA) asked at the GMC how peatland protection could be promoted at European level. Ricarda Lang, member of the Bundestag MdB (Federal Chairwoman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), stopped in the Hanseatic city during her summer trip to find out more about peatland research and innovative use and to discuss what federal politics could do for more climate protection through peatland protection. Her colleague in the Bundestag, Anna Kasautzki (SPD), was equally interested. As a MdB for the constituencies of Vorpommern-Rügen and Vorpommern-Greifswald, she is already familiar with the GMC and had herself updated on site. After a peatland excursion near Greifswald, the member of the state parliament (Mitglied des Landtages, MdL) Hannes Damm (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen MV) organized a public discussion in the city with the participation of the GMC on rewetted peatlands and their possible use. The Lower Saxony state parliamentary group from Bündnis 90/Die Grünen paid a visit with MdL Miriam Staudte to the test area for peat moss paludiculture near Oldenburg.
Climate researcher Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has peat (German: Torf) in his name and mires in mind. During his visit to the GMC, he also found out how rewetting and paludiculture can help to combat the climate crisis.
Parallels of full-bodied drinks could be discovered during a visit from the Störtebeker Braumanufaktur. Peat and whisky seem almost old school as a pair now. Paludiculture and beer - this combination offers completely new possibilities, as it turned out in the conversation. Materials from paludiculture are also of interest in the textile industry. So the Scottish company Saltyco® contacted the GMC and came to visit. Reducing and replacing the use of peat in horticulture is a concern at Gramoflor. Here, too, there are promising approaches using paludiculture biomass, which were discussed together with the GMC.