MoorWissen revamped

Fresh colours, fresh information
More MoorWissen and more beautiful - that's what our platform now offers. We have thoroughly overhauled it, redesigned it and added new information. We want to offer appropriate information on peatlands and their importance for climate protection and biodiversity - ranging from small explanatory films to scientific studies - to people from laypersons to scientists.
The section MoorWissen Summary offers a quick start. Supplementary to the brief explanations, there is an info cluster each on peatland in research, in practice and in politics. Here and on other pages, tile elements enable users to navigate in addition to the drop down menu.
Detailed information can be found under Projects & best practise examples that the partners in the Greifswald Mire Center have carried out so far. Both can now be found in one overview. There is a total of 40 projects, most of them with a duration of several years - quite remarkable, in our opinion.
New is a section on Moorpädagogik (German only), dealing with the mediation of peatlands and climate protection pedagogically, and the section Moore & Kunst (German only). From experimenting with biomass from peatlands, to exhibitions, workshops, residencies, poetry and finally this year's Peatland Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale - it's worth scrolling through these creative projects.
An entire section is dedicated to paludiculture, divided and assorted to paludiculture on bogs and fens. It also includes tools such as a climate protection calculator for drained areas.
Also, now on MoorWissen: an event calendar, our newsletter subscription and social media channels. But, there is one fly in the ointment, to be honest. There is still a lot do for presenting the entire page in English, but we are working on it. We are happy to receive feedback and other suggestions about our revamped MoorWissen-Webpage via email to !