Countdown for RRR2017
International week on paludiculture
07/09/2017 : Less than one month to go until the international paludiculture conference week RRR2017 from 25th - 30th September 2017 organised by the Greifswald Mire Centre starts. It offers a national and an international conference, a day of excursions and a Sphagnum farming workshop. The GMC is happy to welcome Prof. Ab Grootjans, Prof. Hans Joosten and Faizal Parish as key note speakers.
Besides the extensive scientific programme there is an amazing range of interesting related events: A show of machinery and technical equipment for agriculture of wet peatlands will occupy the entire market square in the heart of Greifswald on Wednesday 27th . Take the chance for a close look at e.g. modified snowcats or balloon tired reed harvesters! Stroll around in the ‘paludarium’ at the Botanical Garden of Greifswald University (Münterstraße 2, Greifswald) to see an exhibition of potential paludiculture plants and find more than 40 exhibition describing their use. See peatlands in new perspective and visit "RUMOOREN - Kunst trifft Moor" - an art exhibition initiated by the GMC in cooperation with the Caspar-David-Friedrich-Institute of Greifswald University. “RUMOOREN!” shows contributions by 20 artists aiming for public awareness and social exchange to gain more acceptance and understanding for peatland protection. Join a musical, literary journey “Between worlds in the wafts of mires” or an evening with nature conservationist Michael Succow. The biologist and laureate of the “Right Livelihood Award” takes you on a journey from bogs of Northwestern Germany via mires of the Southern Baltic Sea area up to the central German uplands and the Alps.